If you are a Cellcard customer then you qualify to the Cellcard Rewards Program. It’s FREE! No subscription. No registration. Get up to 50% discounts over thousands of Rewards partners nationwide!
If you are a Cellcard customer then you qualify to the Cellcard Rewards Program. It’s FREE! No subscription. No registration. Enjoy the convenience and get even more discounts when you pay with your Cellcard Rewards card!
If you are a Cellcard customer then you qualify to the Cellcard Rewards Program. It’s FREE! No subscription. No registration. Enjoy an even better deal with Cellcard Rewards Promotions, just keep an eye on our program. New Promotion for Cellcard Rewards is coming soon.
Step 1
Open a Cellcard / Wing account.
Step 2
Deposit money to your account
Step 3
Present your card at Cellcard Rewards Payments merchants when you pay.
Step 4
Dial *989# to check your balances.