Cellcard’s new campaign “One Nation” to inspire all Cambodians for a brighter year ahead | Cellcard

Cellcard’s new campaign “One Nation” to inspire all Cambodians for a brighter year ahead

Published Date: December, Thursday 31, 2020

Marking the end of a challenging year, Cellcard announces the release of its major new TV campaign “One Nation” recognising the strength, resilience and unity of the Cambodian people as the nation looks forward to a brighter year ahead.

The campaign filmed at Preah Vihear airs tonight (31st Dec) across all major television stations including CTN, MYTV and CNC and across Cellcard’s Social Media channels.

The monumental production involved Cambodians from every province showing the Kingdom’s diverse rich culture and different ethnicities.

Set against the beautiful backdrop of Preah Vihear temple, the two-minute “One Nation” video pays tribute to the Cambodian people who have stood together and supported each other throughout the pandemic.

Cellcard co-created the concept of the campaign with Cambodia’s premier production company Hanuman Films under the direction of multi award-winning filmmaker Kulikar Sotho.

Cellcard Chief Executive Officer Ian Watson congratulated Hanuman Films and all involved in the production saying there was no better way to communicate Cellcard’s commitment, passion and support for the nation as the year 2020 comes to a close.

“We wanted to produce something special this year given everything we have all been through,” Mr Watson said.

“This is Cellcard’s way of demonstrating who we are, we are Proudly Khmer and the longest serving mobile operator who strives to give customers our very best every day and recognises the contribution of the Cambodian people.”

As part of the Royal Group of Companies, Cellcard is Cambodia’s only 100 percent Khmer-owned mobile operator under the guidance of Neak Oknha Kith Meng.

Cellcard has led the market with many innovations over the years and has been awarded more than 30 national and global awards for its 4G LTE network and operational excellence.

“For over 20 years, Cellcard has been here for all Cambodians, connecting every corner of our country, bringing together family, friends and communities, and uniting a nation,” Mr Watson said.

“Each member of the Cellcard team embraces the nation with pride, hope and courage as we enter the New Year of 2021.”

The video is now available to view on Cellcard’s You Tube Channel. Please click here to watch video.

The “One Nation” soundtrack, inspired by the Cambodian National Anthem is also available on Cellcard’s Calltunes and Music Streaming services.

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