Cellcard helps drive home road safety in nation-wide campaign | Cellcard

Cellcard helps drive home road safety in nation-wide campaign

Published Date: June, Tuesday 19, 2018

Cellcard today announced its continuing support for the nation-wide road safety campaign being facilitated and developed by the Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation.

Cellcard’s Head of Marketing and Customer Acquisition, Mr. Navuth Phon, attended the special gathering to discuss the next phase of the campaign which first launched in February this year.

The campaign is aimed at reducing road crash deaths and injuries due to the mobile phone distraction.

At the meeting Mr Phon and  fellow attendees discussed how best to implement the action plan to address distracted driving and emphasised the community engagement and collaboration required with local youth groups, government and non-government stakeholders.

Cellcard Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ian Watson, said Cellcard would continue to help convey the message – Don’t use the phone while driving. You could cause an accident – across Cellcard channels including Social Media, SMS broadcast and the website.


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