Cellcard donates free hotline service for Ministry of Commerce to coordinate food deliveries in Red Zones | Cellcard

Cellcard donates free hotline service for Ministry of Commerce to coordinate food deliveries in Red Zones

Published Date: May, Thursday 06, 2021

Cellcard, part of the Royal Group, has partnered with the Ministry of Commerce to provide a hotline service to coordinate urgent food deliveries to families in Red Zones.

The hotline will play a critical role for those needing to place orders for food packages offered in the Ministry of Commerce’s online shop: shop.moc.gov.kh

Cellcard Chief Executive Officer Ian Watson said the hotline was a much-needed alternative for those needing to place orders via a voice call and pay by cash.

“Not everyone, especially the elderly, is able to use online shopping and digital payments so we must ensure access is provided to all.

“The system Cellcard has provided comes with 10 extension lines and can handle high call volumes for orders to be coordinated as quickly and as efficiently as possible,” Mr Watson said.

The Cloud PBX system and phone equipment is provided by Cellcard to the Ministry of Commerce for free.

Mr Watson said that while cases remained high in the capital, companies and authorities needed to work together to help combat the spread but also keep families in restricted zones with food and supplies.

An MoC representative thanked Cellcard for its generous contribution to the cause. “We are extremely grateful for Royal Group and Cellcard’s donations that enable people living in the Red Zones to get food and other products quicker and easier.”

The service donation comes after Cellcard completed its latest network expansion of 169 sites to improve network coverage and quality across Phnom Penh’s Red and Orange Zones

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